
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Broken computer · 1:48am Feb 25th, 2018

Okay so a few of y'all may have noticed that i havent gotten further on my writing for 'An Awkward Encounter' and the reason is my laptops screen got screwed up:flutterrage: so because of that i cant continue to write the story. Whats more, a recently became unemployed before the screen broke so i cant afford a repair on the thing yet. I'll let y'all know when its fixed.

Again i must appologize for the delays and i hope everyone can understand my situation.:raritycry::facehoof:


Death of a computer · 6:02pm Aug 12th, 2017

So my laptop died. Something caused the processor to be fried. So now I am sort of out of a computer. I have a two in one tablety thing but it is in poor condition and as such makes writing on it hard. Thankfully I didn't loose any work for Broken then Healed but I did loose a lot of original works with that. The hard drive is probably still functional I just don't know how to access it at this point. One of my IRL friends is a tech dude (software side though) and he may be able to help.

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I've been gone for so long. · 8:37pm Jun 9th, 2017

I've basically ignored Fimfiction due to two reasons. 1. I was really burnt out and to lazy to bother with it. And 2. My computer broke so I couldn't do anything, I'm currently writing this on my phone. If anyone reading this know how to fix a boot configuration data error then please help me!

Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results